> Versus > Seat Leon 1.5 EcoTSI ACT vs Honda Civic 1.5

Seat Leon 1.5 EcoTSI ACT (2020) Vs. Honda Civic 1.5 (2020)

Seat Leon 1.5 EcoTSI ACT Xcellence Honda Civic 1.5 Executive Plus
2020 Seat Leon 1.5 EcoTSI ACT Xcellence Comparison 2020 Honda Civic Executive Plus Comparison

General Information

Year 2020 2020
Equipment Xcellence Executive Plus
Body Type Hatchback Sedan

Engine Specs

Engine 1.5 EcoTSI ACT 1.5
Fuel Type Petrol Petrol
Engine Displacement 1498 cc 1498 cc
Number of Cylinders 4 4


Transmission Type DSG CVT
Gearbox Automatic Automatic
Number of gears 7 ?
Driving System Front Wheel Drive Front Wheel Drive


Engine Power 150 HP 182 HP
Torque 250 Nm 220 Nm
Acceleration 0-100 8.1 sn 8.2 sn
Maximum Speed 213 200

Fuel Consumption

City 6.5 L 7.5 L
Highway 4.5 L 4.8 L
Combined 5.5 L 6.2 L
Fuel Tank 50 L 46 L


Length 4263 mm 4658 mm
Width 1816 mm 1799 mm
Height 1459 mm 1407 mm
Curb Weight 1183 kg 1388 kg
Boot Space 380 L 519 L

Tire and Wheel

Tire Tread 225 215
Tire Sidewall 45 50
Wheel Rims Size 17 17
2020 Seat Leon 1.5 EcoTSI ACT Xcellence 2020 Honda Civic 1.5 Executive Plus

Which one is better?

2020 Seat Leon 1.5 EcoTSI ACT Xcellence Technical Specifications

2020 Honda Civic 1.5 Executive Plus Technical Specifications

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